Statistics 2022
Since 2000, EUROSLAG asks steel producing and processing companies in Europe to assess the importance of the different slag products. The results of the survey on production and use of Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) and Steel Furnace Slag (SFS) in 2022 are given by the following figures.
The results are based on Data from Belgium (partly), Bulgaria, Finland (partly), France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and United Kingdom. Unfortunately, it exists a considerable gap between the production in those countries from which data were received and the production in the EU-27 countries as well as in the United Kingdom, due to the fact that from the other countries it was not possible to obtain the data.
Extrapolating the received data based on the hot metal production and crude steel production published by world steel [1] it can be assumed that on the whole about 21.3 Mt of blast furnace slag and 17.2 Mt of steel furnace slag were produced in Europe 2022.
[1] World Steel Association (Ed.): World Steel in Figures 2023 – finalised May 2023, Brussels, Belgium