The 9th European Slag Conference

Two years after the Slag Conference in Linz, Austria, EUROSLAG invited slag experts from October 11th to 13th, 2017 to the 9th European Slag Conference in Metz, France. The local organisation was provided by AFOCO, one of the French members of EUROSLAG. About 200 participants came from 23 countries all over the world. Following the slogan “Circular economy in the slag industry – reliable products – reduced costs” a round table discussion was offered as well as 22 papers. As usual the circle of presenters was not limited to European experts but also incorporated specialists from overseas.
Again and again presentations and subsequent discussions showed the positive contribution of slag products to resource efficiency. Examples for excellent technical properties were presented as well as references for good environmental compatibility. As technical properties of slag products are well accepted questions of environmental compatibility more and more determine the possibilities of high grade uses. But presentations and discussions consistently proved the sincerity of handling with those environmental questions by the participants.
The conference was completed by possibilities of visiting different plant sites and research facilities. They showed again which big efforts are to be done to provide sufficient products to the markets.
Summing up there can be stated that in Metz the line of European Slag Conferences could be continued successfully. The participants will keep in mind a well organised conference with high level presentations and discussions. Information and impressions are still available under